The Comenius projects "PROMOTE MSc" and "MOTIVATE ME in Maths and Science" developed both materials (PROMOTE) and teaching methods (MOTIVATE) for one common goal: To increase students' motivation in learning Mathematics and Science. Both projects produced very positively evaluated materials in book format (unit descriptors, sample units, glossary, case studies) that are used in teacher training. All the materials are available online free of charge to everyone, yet it is the books that are mainly sought after by training institutions. The projects however produced only a comparatively small number of these books, and only few are left (particularly of the sample units, case studies, and glossaries), yet the demand is still there. The materials have been used in teacher training and in schools now for several years, resulting in a lot of feedback, which can be used to improve the materials. Also, while a number of institutions use the materials, they are still not that widespread or well known, particularly outside the partner countries. The purpose of this project is threefold:

  • To use the feedback from teachers and teacher trainers to improve the materials, creating a second edition of them
  • To produce a sufficient number of prints of a second edition of the books from PROMOTE and MOTIVATE, and distribute them
  • To inform institutions and stakeholders about the materials by
    • joining existing events in the partner countries (conferences, in-service teacher training, meetings of educators, policy makers and other stakeholders) to present the materials
    • each partner teaming up with at least two teacher training institution and one school in two other LLP countries (none of the partner countries) to present the materials there at workshops, conferences, teacher training events etc.

By this we want to considerably increase the number of users of the materials and thus the effectiveness ofdissemination and exploitation of results of the two past projects.

Sub-program: COMENIUS
Call for proposals: EAC/S07/12
Action: COMENIUS Accompanying measures
Project title: Motivating Methods and Materials in Maths and Science: Dissemination
Project acronym: MSc4All
Start date: 1.10. 2013
End date: 30.9. 2014


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the authors. For educational purposes only (i.e. for use in schools, teaching, teacher training etc.), you may use this work or parts of it under the Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license according to Creative Commons, as detailed in

©2014 MSc4All by Peter Korman